OCTools Update

I’ve taken the liberty to make a number of changes to the OCTools library to prepare for a first 1.0 release. Amongst other things I’ve updated the documentation, I’ve built sample parsers in Objective C and C++, and I’ve added support for generating Swift, along with an example Swift parser.

I’ve also taken the liberty to produce an installation package, which can be downloaded to install the tools in /usr/local/bin.

The GitHub library can be found here. Full documentation is here, and the algorithms are described here.

Another little tool.

Have you ever needed to take a text file and have it incorporated into your command-line tool where it can be used as a text resource?

Yeah, that’s me. So I built TextTools, which builds a single tool that can be incorporated into Xcode, which converts a text file into a C string that can be included in your code.

You’re welcome.